Gul Ahmed Fashion recently Released Shirts & Knitted Choridar Collection under the niche of G-women.Price range of these Shirts and Choridar started from 4500 and reach to 6000 PKR.If some one Not interested To Buy Choridar the Subtract the 1200 amount from each dress.Gul Ahmed has different variety in Lawn,Voile,Khaddar,Cambric,Chiffon,Silk and Latha .She-Styles Group Bring Extraordinary fashion stuff from Different Clothing brands.Fashion is Essential part of life and People follow fashion according to the trend and Cultural values.Daily life To be considered One of the most important part and when you are working Lady then You always look like charming and graceful lady.Today we Bring Gul ahmed latest collection ,These New Gul Ahmed Dresses are designed with latest cuts and have unique designs paired with knitted trousers.
G-Women Shirts & Knitted Choridar | GUL AHMED Special 2 Piece Range Vol-1
Sunday, September 2, 2012
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Gul Ahmed Lawn
New Fashion
Summer/Spring 2012